December 2022
Liberty Bridge reopens just one year after demolition and rehabilitation began, saving Bay City hundreds of thousands of dollars in annual maintenance and repair costs. These dollars, along with $5 million from the lease agreement with Bay City Bridge Partners, will be used by the City of Bay City on other important local infrastructure projects.
Bay City Bridge Partners also completed comprehensive construction plans for the Independence Bridge improvements. These improvements, together with Liberty Bridge, brings Bay City Bridge Partner’s investment in Bay City to more than $150 million and creates more than 1,000 jobs using union labor as well as materials and expertise from local suppliers.
January 2023
Demolition of deck surface on west side of Independence Bridge begins after unique “uncoupling” of bascule sections to allow two-way traffic on opposite lanes.
In-depth, widespread communication continues to educate the community about benefits of having a BC-PASS to ensure the lowest tolling rates and to share instructions for creating an account online, in person or by phone.
February 2023
Bay City Bridge Partners opens walk-in Customer Service Center at 300 Center Avenue, Suite 101, gradually increases hours of operation to accommodate customers, and adds toll-free call center to further meet demand for customers creating account, picking up transponders, and asking questions.
April 2023
Bay City Bridge Partners extends FREE tolling for an additional 2 months to allow residents and non-residents to create BC-PASS accounts and obtain transponders.
June 2023
Wednesdays in the Park Summer Concert Series — sponsored by Bay City Bridge Partners — begins.
Tolling begins on Liberty Bridge, including “tolling industry firsts” -— free tolling for City of Bay City residents until 2028 and $15/mo unlimited passes for non-residents.
July 2023
First concrete pour for new deck on west side of Independence Bridge occurs.
August 2023
Bay City Bridge Partners participates in Bay City Department of Public Safety’s National Night Out.
First of many BCBP Community Connections events bring together staff and community at City Hall, Hampton Township Senior Center, and Bangor Township Community Room. Each event includes a raffle for gas gift cards.
September 2023
Bay City Bridge Partners celebrates National Truck Driver Appreciation Week by spending time with local fleet companies.
December 2023
Demolition and construction on west side of Independence Bridge winds down, shifting work to internal mechanical and electrical components during winter months and eventually shifting demolition and construction to east side.